Sorry, I Got Caught Up


So…what have you guys been up to?

I’ve been a little busy!

This is the obligatory post bloggers always write when they’ve been away from the blog for a while.

You’ve seen them. They contain an apology for being absent and an explanation of what could possibly have been so important that a simple post could not be produced two months.

Well, I am really sorry, and I do have a good excuse.


I’m now the Director of the Bishop Helmsing Institute (BHI). It’s a school of faith formation run by the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO. Yep! I moved to Kansas City! And I’m the director!

The institute does adult faith formation classes leading to catechetical certification. There’s five staff instructors, and several adjunct instructors, that do 4-5 week courses at remote sites (mostly parishes) around the diocese. This year we’re focusing on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We’ll teach the whole Catechism in 6 courses this year.

This whole thing has been a whirlwind. Here’s the story.

About two years ago, a friend from Franciscan turned me onto a job opening at BHI. I met the department head and the director at the St. John Bosco Conference at Franciscan. They watched me teach and asked me to apply, which I did right away. However, funding for that position got cut.

Then toward the end of last May, they asked me to apply again…but this time it was for the director’s position. The interview process took only a month. I accepted the position at the end of June and a month later, July 28th, I started. Believe me, that was a quick turnaround! I had a month to button up my DRE job so I could turn it over, and get a move organized. On top of that, one week of that was spent at the Bosco Conference.

Needless to say, I didn’t have much extra time, or brain power, to devote to blogging.

I have to say my wife was incredible. She is the moving planner extraordinaire. She’s the one that got everything together and made it happen so quickly. If it wasn’t for her, I’d still be in Champaign waiting to move.

So here I am. Living in Kansas City, drinking through a fire hose at the Bishop Helmsing Institute, and loving every minute of it. I’m mostly learning the ropes but I’m already thinking of what I can improve. What can I say? I can’t help it. Don’t tell my boss.

On the blogging side, I think I’m finally settled enough to get back to it. I have a ton of stuff to write about. Things I learned at the Bosco Conference from Andre Regnier and Sherry Weddell, as well as many other thoughts about evangelization.

It’s been a wild ride. Every once and a while I pull a little disappearing act when life catches up to me, but I really appreciate your reading and support of my writing. Thanks for sticking with me.

About the author 

Marc Cardaronella

I'm passionate about the most effective ways to transmit the Catholic Faith and spread the Gospel to the world. Join me? You can find me on Facebook, Twitter for the catechetical ramblings of the day.

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  1. Marc:
    Congratulations! I’m so happy for the recognition of your talents this move represents, but your Holy Cross RCIA team really misses you! I’m glad you’re settling in and look forward to hearing more about your new experiences. I know you’ll have lots to share.

  2. Marc,
    Sounds incredible! I know you will grow in this position and more important be a catalyst for the growth of others. You sure are for those of us that remain in Champaign. We start another year of Family Formation @ Holy Cross this week, anxious to tend the seeds you left here, and with the help of the Holy Spirit enjoy the fruits that are borne.

    1. Thanks Ray! I appreciate it. And thanks for tending things at Holy Cross too. It makes me happy that things are rolling along there without me. I wanted to build something that could go on after I left. I think it would be sad if everything fell apart just because I was gone…like it wasn’t built in the Lord. Keep up the great work. You are a valuable asset there.

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